Preview ~ June 27, 2016

USPS Press Release CA 2016 0627

Soda Fountain Favorites
Soda Fountain Favorites
What: The Occidental Post Office hosts an ice cream social.

Anita Rackerby, Postmaster Occidental Post Office, invites everyone to a special stamp dedication party.  Rackerby has arranged for Clover the Cow mascot from Clover Stornetta Farm, Inc. to attend the event and participate in a coloring contest for children.  Occidental Post Office employees will be dressed in 1950’s attire and Rackerby encourages the community to drive their 1950’s vehicles to the event.

When: Friday, July 1, 2016
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Where: Occidental Post Office
3805 Bohemian Hwy
Occidental, CA 95465

The Soda Fountain Favorites is a booklet of 20 stamps featuring five different illustrations:  a double-scoop ice cream cone, an egg crème, a banana split, a root beer float and a hot fudge sundae.