Waves of Color ~ $10

Definitive $10.00

Sheet of ten, one stamp design
Waves of Color $10
Waves of Color $10

Designed for your convenience and to lend a contemporary appearance to packages, large envelopes, and other mailings, the U.S. Postal Service® issues the Ten Dollar Waves of Color stamp, one of four sheets of elegant stamps denominated at four different rates: $1, $2, $5, and $10.

The Ten Dollar Waves of Color stamp shows variously colored undulating lines against a white background. A portion of the right side of the stamp provides white space to display the numeral 10.

The stamp also includes its denomination written out as Ten Dollars. In order to suggest its status as a high-denomination issue, this stamp benefits from a highly detailed printing process that creates dense, abstract patterns similar to an engraved bank currency.

The other three stamp issues feature similar designs with different color palettes and are denominated at the $1, $2, and $5 rates. As the denominations increase, the stamp sizes grow larger.

Art director Antonio Alcalá and designer Michael Dyer created these handsome and unusual stamps which were printed using offset lithography and intaglio processes.

Made in the USA.

Issue Date:  December 1, 2012
Art Director/Designer:  Antonio Alcalá, Michael Dyer
SKU:  115840